From time to time I make some little application, purely for fun, to prove my point or to help someone. This site now brings these all together on a unified stage with information and links to more information, if you are interested. Soon I'm going to extend all these apps and include a demo account/functionality, so you can actually try them for yourself. Soon...! 😇
The obligatory hello world
example, serving
a basic, plain Flask app.
Visitors since 3 days ago : 9
Toen Quizlet grotendeels betalend werd, en dochterlief enkele belangrijke
toetsen in het verschiet had, was er maar één ding dat ik kon doen...
"Let me Learn!" is een online/web toepassinkje dat toelaat om op
verschillende manieren begrippen/woorden/... te oefenen, leren en te testen.
Want wat je zelf implementeert... 😇
Visitors since 3 days ago : 38
Deze getijden app, maakt de informatie van het "Agentschap Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust" direct bruikbaar voor je persoonlijke kalender.
Visitors since 3 days ago : 47
Baseweb is my little bit of
Python serving a lot of Vuetify goodness, all
rolled up in a little Python Module.
The baseweb-demo repository
contains a "demo implementation", showing off many of baseweb's features.
Visitors since 3 days ago : 54
Putting the dot on the i of micro social network.
Share your mood with who you want and how you want. And nothing more.
How I Feel began as a "Let me show you in one hour what software
development really is about." and turned out to be much more...
Visitors since 3 days ago : 119
OAuth is a standard and OAuthToolKit is my minimal implementation of some
aspects of it.
This demo allows you to login using your Google account and
then uses that authentication to access a protected API endpoint.
NOTE No personal information is used or stored in any way! Just the
token is validated by the API.
Visitors since 3 days ago : 8
I don't only make apps. I sometimes also endulge in some form of physical crafting. The top-level landing page app is recursively also hosted as a hosted flask.
Visitors since 3 days ago : 74