Apps Homemade by CVG

From time to time I make some little application, purely for fun, to prove my point or to help someone. This site now brings these all together on a unified stage with information and links to more information, if you are interested. Soon I'm going to extend all these apps and include a demo account/functionality, so you can actually try them for yourself. Soon...! 😇


The obligatory hello world example, serving a basic, plain Flask app.


Visitors since 19 days ago : 51

Nation of Positivity

Geef het geschenk van positiviteit! In de Nation of Positivity vind je tal van kleine leuke attenties. Allemaal gepersonaliseerd en bedoeld om jouw positiviteit aan iemand anders te kunnen schenken.
Met Nation of Positivity bied ik mijn atelier en eigen werk aan in een kleine online shop. Met liefde gemaakt om met veel liefde te geven. Samen zorgen voor wat meer positiviteit in de wereld.

Visitors since 19 days ago : 403

Homemade By CVG

I don't only make apps. I sometimes also endulge in some form of physical crafting. The top-level landing page app is recursively also hosted as a hosted flask.

Visitors since 19 days ago : 607


Deze getijden app, maakt de informatie van het "Agentschap Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust" direct bruikbaar voor je persoonlijke kalender.

Visitors since 19 days ago : 306

Let me Learn

Toen Quizlet grotendeels betalend werd, en dochterlief enkele belangrijke toetsen in het verschiet had, was er maar één ding dat ik kon doen...
"Let me Learn!" is een online/web toepassinkje dat toelaat om op verschillende manieren begrippen/woorden/... te oefenen, leren en te testen.
Want wat je zelf implementeert... 😇

Visitors since 19 days ago : 64

Baseweb Demo

Baseweb is my little bit of Python serving a lot of Vuetify goodness, all rolled up in a little Python Module.
The baseweb-demo repository contains a "demo implementation", showing off many of baseweb's features.

Visitors since 19 days ago : 85

How I Feel

Putting the dot on the i of micro social network.
Share your mood with who you want and how you want. And nothing more.
How I Feel began as a "Let me show you in one hour what software development really is about." and turned out to be much more...

Visitors since 19 days ago : 98

OAuthToolKit Demo

OAuth is a standard and OAuthToolKit is my minimal implementation of some aspects of it.
This demo allows you to login using your Google account and then uses that authentication to access a protected API endpoint.
NOTE No personal information is used or stored in any way! Just the token is validated by the API.

Visitors since 19 days ago : 82